EPSC2024 Discord channel

The EPSC2024 Discord channel will be used for all online comments and discussion during EPSC2024 and after the meeting. Be part of the conversation and join the EPSC2024 Discord channel by accessing the button below to network and take part in a diverse range of discussions on sessions and presentations.

Please note that you must first join the EPSC2024 Discord server with your Discord account through the button below. This is a one-time step to be completed. Once having joined the EPSC2024 Discord server, you can access all Discussion on Discord buttons on the individual session pages.

Asynchronous discussions on Discussion are handled by Europlanet Society which you can contact at media@europlanet-society.org in case of any questions regarding Discord. If you experience difficulties joining the Discord channel through the button below, please also try refreshing this page and empty your browser cache.

If you are new to Discord and need some help, you can check out the "Discord Basics" guide.

You can also find more help with Discord on the Discord support pages.

We have a dedicated "help" channel where you can drop any technical questions you have once you have joined the server.