Press office information

Anita Heward
EPSC2024 Press Officer
Phone +44 7756034243

Thibaut Roger
EPSC2024 Press Officer

Europlanet Media Centre website:

Media registration is free. Any bona fide media delegates can pre-register by contacting the press team at the address above. Advance registration is not essential but encouraged.

For press releases about EPSC2024 and science presented at the meeting see

EPSC2024 on social media

Follow EPSC2024 on social media with the tag #epsc2024.
X/Twitter account: europlanetmedia

Sharing information

Due to author copyright privileges, it is prohibited to share any scientific material (including forwarding the presentation file, taking photos/screenshots and/or copying electronically) if a presenter has marked their presentation as "restricted".

You can identify the "restricted" presentations by the following icon: