#01/03 International Planetary Data Alliance | https://planetarydata.org
The International Planetary Data Alliance (IPDA) was founded 16 years ago as a closely cooperating partnership among national planetary archives across the globe. The IPDA members have a common goal to maintain and improve the quality and interoperability of planetary data archives through common standards and formats. The IPDA promotes international use and reuse of high-quality scientific data across its member archives.
#08 Royal Society Publishing | https://royalsociety.org/journals | @RSocPublishing
Founded in 1660, The Royal Society is a charitable organisation based in the UK which recognises, promotes, and supports excellence in science. Its journals – Proceedings A, Royal Society Open Science and Philosophical Transactions A - offer publishing options for research, reviews and theme issues within the planetary sciences. To find out more, visit our exhibition booth or our website at royalsociety.org/journals.
#14 NoRCEL | https://norcel.net | @NORCEL2
NoRCEL’s primary aim is to bring together people from various disciplines to investigate one of the most fundamental questions in science: how life began.This network of scientists investigates some of the multi-faceted aspects and challenges facing the scientific world. This has led to our more recent missions into exploring global issues, as with Blue Earth Project, as well as developing educational tools in an endeavour to enable wider access to astroscience, especially in the Global South.